1600 twinkle stars

What Are Star Lights?

If you’ve ever seen the outdoor sky on a clear night then you’ve seen the wonderful galaxy of stars.

For some reason it makes us smile and makes us feel happy. If only for a moment, we feel better, and this gives us the mental energy to carry on with the rest of the day.

Star Lights in your car roof can be installed so when you look up, it appears that you’re actually viewing real stars.

These lights have a twinkle effect. One of the great benefits is that since these are installed overhead, they won’t distract you from your driving.


Yes, there is a lifetime warranty, so if one or more of your lights burn out, we can replace them for you under warranty, or if anything else should happen.
We are also experienced in working on a wide range of different vehicles from different manufacturers.

Our technicians know how to dismantle and remove the roof lining to install these lights, then reinstall it back in place so no one can tell what’s been done.

Soon you’ll be amazing your friends and family with these cool sparkling lights when they go on a drive with you!
R28 Custom garage has taken the Starlight headliners to another level. Our Starlight kits represents what we was founded on:  hard work, dedication and passion. The result is an unique design for your car.

Twinkle effect

All our kits have twinkle effect . Our Starlight kit go that one step further to creating the ultimate cosmos.

Our Starlight headliners allows each individual starlight to twinkle dynamically at its own rate.

Speed up or slow down the rate of twinkle with a click of a button by utilising the free mobile app.

Our Starlight kits have a combination of several base colours giving you endless choice of colour for your constellation that we bring to life.

Starlights control
Our Starlight kits are controlled wirelessly by Bluetooth, connect your devices to customise any of the following
Colour, Brightness, Twinkling effect, Light Pattern Settings, Sound Synchronisation and much more.

In Stock
With this extra setup you will be able to chose 2 different colours at the same time on your roof stars
Multiple stars positioned next to each other to offer a sensation of an falling meteor
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